Our services

Premade Cover Design

Premades are the perfect choice if you want an eye-catching and marketable cover without forking out the big bucks. With revisions and additions available, you can really make these your own.

Custom Cover Design

To really bring your story to life a custom cover is the way to go. We care about you and your book baby, and will go above and beyond to create a stunning, marketable cover you will be proud to share.

premade cover design
premade cover design
custom cover design
custom cover design
branding and graphics examples
branding and graphics examples
Branding & Graphics

Step up your author game with visually appealing graphics made for all the major platforms. This is a must to market yourself, and your books, to reach more readers.

Logo Design

Whether it's a series logo, or complete author branding, Design by Kage is here to step up your marketability and create a cohesive and on-trend design.

Interior Formatting

Design by Kage is happy to offer interior design services to give your books some wow factor. From chapter art to page breaks, we will design something that readers will love. We can also offer paperback/eBook formatting.

interior formatting design examples
interior formatting design examples
A+ content for Amazon examples
A+ content for Amazon examples
A+ Content

Design by Kage can help you will all your Amazon marketing needs. Including all things A+ Content. You name it, we can do it.